Alfisol, Item 003: LMMpro, version 2.0
The Langmuir Optimization Program
The Michaelis-Menten Optimization Program

Product Details

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tour of the software.

Most Popular Item.

What does LMMpro do?

DOWNLOAD LMMpro (version 2.0), Extended Edition (Free).
Copyright © 2020 by C.P. Schulthess.

This software is ideal for many teaching objectives,
as well as for research objectives.

Please review Software Disclaimer pages first.
This is a WINDOWS based application that also uses .NET framework.

Summary of revisions made since the release of version 1.00.

This software is written in C# for Windows.
It uses the .NET framework.

LMMpro makes optimization easy.
Find the best optimization values.
Helps you find errors.

If your analysis is sensitive
to the type of regression used,
then you have some error present.
The error is either data error,
theory error, or both.

Langmuir Software.
Michaelis-Menten Software.

Excellent Software.